Community Medical Foundation for Patient Safety

The Community of Competence™ and Foundation for Life


Community has become the metaphor  for  team and organization.  Major driving forces in sociology, socialization, self-organizing systems, and systems thinking have fostered the creation of a new framework and methodology to describe, assess, and combine separate strengths and core competencies of individuals, groups, and organizations into a goal-oriented whole.

Elizabeth A. Smith, Ph.D., Founder of Community Medical  Foundation for Patient Safety, developed and trademarked the Community of Competence™ as a competency-based collaborative community and network that is more dynamic and flexible than high-performance teams or autonomous work groups. Quality outcomes and patient safety are the direct products of  a competent medical team or the Community of Competence™ in Health Care of this century.

We apply this framework and methodology to our research and educational programs that include our ambitious outreach campaign to build Community, Awareness, Responsibility and Empowerment (CARE) for patient safety, our National Patient Safety Community with its directory, and our own institutional review board (IRB) of expert panel that conducts comprehensive scientific research review of our research studies and projects to ensure and maintain utmost ethical conduct  for the protection of human research participants, optimal stewardship of funds, safeguard of intellectual properties (e.g., copyrights, patents, trade secrets), proper use of effective study design, appropriate data collection and management, planned analysis and reporting of scientific findings.  We accept external study proposals by contract and strictly apply our standards in evaluation, audit and final determination for approval or disapproval based on scientific merits and the attributes mentioned above.